Membership Application
Annual Member Dues $780.00. Seasonal Member 3 to 6 Months @ $75.00 per month
First Middle Initial Last
Street _________________________________________________________________
City _______________________________________State__________Zip __________
Email address ______________________________________________________________________
How did you hear about RealRail? (circle one or more), Hobby Shop, Magazine,
Train Show, Web Site, Friend, Other ______________________________________________________________________
In what scale(s) are you most interested? (circle or more) G HO N Narrow Gauge O S Z
What aspects of the hobby interest you the most? ______________________________________________________________________
What would you like to learn from RealRail? ______________________________________________________________________
Do you or have you belonged to another model railroad organization? YES NO
If YES, name? __________________________________________________________ Location?_____________________________________________________________
What size shirt? Circle one, S M L XL 2XL.
Club shirts are available in the club store for $20.00
Do you prefer a magnetic badge _____ or a pin on badge? _____ check one. Badges are available for $10.00
RealRail Membership Information
Members are afforded all the privileges usually associated with an organization of this type including access to the center, operation of trains, participation in clinics and workshops, plus a 20% discount on RR items in the Company Store.
Annual Membership Dues are to be paid quarterly, $195.00 per quarter, semi-annually $390.00 per 6 months, or annually, $780.00 at the beginning of the period. Monthly dues may be made by special arrangement but are not preferred.
Members who do not pay their dues in a timely manner will receive a reminder notice.
Seasonal Dues will be $75.0 per month, minimum of consecutive 3 months, maximum of 6 months, and only in full month time periods, to be paid in full at the start of your seasonal visit
Anyone who requests a seasonal membership will notify the current Membership Director of the time frame they will be here, and all seasonal dues will be paid in full at the time they first begin their seasonal membership.
Dues payments may be made by cash, check, or through automatic electronic transfer, but NOT through credit or debit charges. When writing a check, please indicate the dues payment period on the check.
All members are expected to participate at shows and public events as well as to help maintain the layouts and facilities. A name tag and RealRail (RR) shirt are required to be worn at public events and during public hours.
Checks should be made payable to RealRail and submitted to the Director of Membership placed in the DUES mail slot at the club, or mailed to RealRail, PO Box 239, Tallevast, FL, 34207-0239.
RealRail is located north of State route 70, just east of I-75. The address is 4908 Lena Rd, Unit 101, Bradenton, Florida, 34211 .
For additional information on membership contact RealRail at 941-739-8724